News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

What Is Going on with China?

A lot has happened in a very short time in terms of China’s regulatory actions, and it has appropriately created huge uncertainty and raised many questions among investors.

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

Taper Tantrum Part Deux?

One big thing you may have heard about in the headlines is the Federal Reserve's hint that it might start "tapering" soon.

Could the Fed's actions cause a correction or economic slowdown?

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

Is The Sky Falling Again?

We thought this post was going to be about the $3.5 trillion budget deal or what to do with any child tax credits that may be heading your way. But then global markets jolted on fears of new viral variants. Is the sky actually falling?

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

A tale of two infrastructure deals

After weeks of grandstanding, posturing, and wrangling, it looks like a bipartisan infrastructure deal that both parties can live with is in the works. Good news: no tax hikes. But you'll want to read on because we're not out of the woods yet.

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

Tax worries? Info inside.

So, we've got dueling infrastructure bills, plus a big proposed budget with lots of spending (and higher taxes inside). That's a lot of expensive legislation on the table. What's going to happen next?

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

88% there?

Two things to discuss today: the economy (getting better) and taxes (going up?). Let’s dive in. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and brighter…

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

Higher taxes in 2022?

More spending = higher taxes? That seems likely with a $2 trillion American Jobs Plan (that could eventually cost trillions more) on the table to bolster America’s crumbling infrastructure and invest in R&D. What could those tax hikes look like? Let’s consider the possibilities.

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

New President, New Policies

After months of election uncertainty, Joe Biden was inaugurated as our 46th president, bringing the peaceful transfer of executive power that defines us as a democracy.

President Biden’s pen has been busy, busy, busy so let’s dive into some new policies that could impact you.

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