Investing Taylor Herzog Investing Taylor Herzog

Second Quarter 2024 Investment Commentary

The second half of the year is poised for a mathematical deceleration in year-over-year growth as the combination of labor deceleration, further cumulative deterioration for the “have nots”, and the higher for longer conditions of interest rates means constraints on acceleration in the cyclical economy and consumer credit growth.

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Taylor Herzog Taylor Herzog

How We Sail

The Drakkar: Our Multi Asset Class Long Short Longship

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Investing Taylor Herzog Investing Taylor Herzog

Third Quarter 2023 Investment Commentary

In the echoing halls of our longhouse, we shall recount the current chapter of this Convergence epic, deciphering the length of the Stagflationary season ahead, and how we are charting our course aboard the multi asset class long short longship: the Drakkar.

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Investing Taylor Herzog Investing Taylor Herzog

Second Quarter 2023 Investment Commentary

Seasoned investors that thrive long term understand that the Pain of Discipline is less than the Pain of Regret. In this context, the pain of discipline is following your risk management process while everyone else is succumbing to their Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) while you watch from the sidelines refusing to participate in what you know is reckless behavior.

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Taylor Herzog Taylor Herzog

Live your life anyway

In a world full of negative headlines and uncertainties, it's easy to get caught up in worries and second guess ourselves. But waiting for the perfect time when things are less uncertain is an illusion.

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Investing Taylor Herzog Investing Taylor Herzog

2022 Market Commentary

Not since 1926 has market conditions been this painful and yet our managed portfolios incurred a fraction of the pain compared to long only stock and bond allocations which is the most common allocation for most investors.

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News Taylor Herzog News Taylor Herzog

What Is Going on with China?

A lot has happened in a very short time in terms of China’s regulatory actions, and it has appropriately created huge uncertainty and raised many questions among investors.

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Investing Taylor Herzog Investing Taylor Herzog

Third Quarter 2021 Investment Management Commentary

For the year to date, the S&P 500 is up an impressive 15.9%. We think the odds are high that short-term rates will rise but still remain low by historical standards and also below the rate of inflation for several more years. And we expect U.S. stocks to earn an adequate excess return premium above core bonds in our medium-term “upside” scenario.

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